Pl@ntNet Plant Identification app allows two types of usage:

  • Anonymous: Users can identify plants without any account; the history is saved on the device under the account tab.
  • Logged-in users: Users can create an account to identify plants and share them on their accounts, allowing the community to review the determination of the shared observations.

Anonymous users cannot request account deletion; we cannot link them to any usage within our apps.

Logged-in users can delete their accounts:

  1. From the mobile app, under the Profile edition, the last button “Delete my account.”
  2. From the website at, the red “Delete my account” button.
  3. The account deletion will:
    • Remove all the personal account information (email, username) in the Pl@ntNet database = anonymization.
    • Observations shared under their account will no longer be available but will stay in the Pl@ntNet database forever. This allows us to maintain the same identification performance and biodiversity monitoring, as it is the goal of Pl@ntNet, while preserving user rights. The photos created by the user, being under CC-By-SA, are still owned by the user afterward.