Covering all countries floras & new identification AI
Starting June 7th 2023, a set of changes implemented as part of the European GUARDEN and MAMBO projects, were made available that reaches deep into Pl@ntNet systems. The goal is …
With the Pl@ntNet app, identify one plant from a picture, and be part of a citizen science project on plant biodiversity
more support usPl@ntNet is a citizen science project available as an app that helps you identify plants thanks to your pictures.
How to easily use the app? Why sharing my observations is so important? Become a responsible citizen with the Pl@ntNet project. First of all, Pl@ntNet is a system based on image …
L’équipe de Pl@ntNet s’engage à fournir une plateforme de sciences participatives dédiée à la biodiversité végétale, sans publicité ni revente de données. Votre contribution nourrit cette cause. Votre don nous …
You already know the projects, whether geographical as USA or thematic as useful plants, but what differentiates them from microprojects? It’s the scale. Let me explain with this illustration.
Starting June 7th 2023, a set of changes implemented as part of the European GUARDEN and MAMBO projects, were made available that reaches deep into Pl@ntNet systems. The goal is …
Identify plants without an internet connection with Pl@ntNet
Have you ever wondered what plants you might see around you, or on your next walk? This service could help you answer that question.
We have compiled a list of the most identified plant species since the beginning of Pl@ntNet. This is more than 320 millions identification requests analysed, all made from Pl@ntNet apps …
And more practical too! Whether you are a teacher, a park manager or simply want to share your passion with others, Pl@ntNet groups make your life easier. To create a …
DONATE Pl@ntNet, more than just a mobile application, is a major participatory science project enabling scientists from around the world to better understand plant biodiversity and to study the best …
Direct link to the dataset: Plant identification is a difficult problem. Indeed, there are about 400K species of plants on earth and the problem is that the morphological characteristics that …
Following the growing interest of many Pl@ntNet users to benefit from the application in their own languages, a collaboration with POEditor has been implemented! We hope that this collaboration will …
The essential story of Pl@ntNet is the story of people convinced that knowledge and education are powerful levers to reinforce the consideration of biodiversity in all human activities. They allow …
The Lewa Wildlife Conservatory, in northern Kenya, is a successful conservation model that has been balancing tourism and natural resource protection for several decades. Like many protected natural areas, however, …
Learn botany with fun and contribute to a better knowledge about plants
Discover the world flora, and visualize the species around your location
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